Lettori fissi

domenica 18 gennaio 2015

DT Simply Magnolia e Bloghop su Lovers rubberstamps

Ciao a tutti!!!
Oggi un post che vale due...hahahahah
Infatti vi voglio invitare a partecipare al challenge di Simply Magnolia che ha come tema
Shabby Chic or Vintage

E al Bloghop di Lovers Rubberstamps come ogni domenica
Per la mia card shabby chic ( come sapete è il mio stile preferito), ho scelto un timbro di
Magnolia che ho colorato con i Distress Ink .
Le carte scelte sono di diverse marche, le fustelle sono di Magnolia, Marianne design.
I timbri sono di Magnolia, Technique tuesday e di Stampendous.
Per abbellire il tutto ho messo del merletto, del tuille, roselline, fiorellini,nastro, strass,
e una charm a forma di  coroncina .
Credo di avervi detto tutto!!!
Vi auguro una serena domenica.... a prestissimo!!!
Hugs Tiziana

Welcome to the Loves Rubberstamps weekly Sensational Sunday Blog Hop

The Design Team has created some gorgeous projects for your Inspiration. 
Check out each link and leave a comment. 
If you get lost along the way, each stop will have a full list of links. 

One of the Design Team posts is the hop's Sensational Sunday Sweet Spot 
and a name will be drawn from that list of comments to 
be in a monthly drawing for a $20 Loves Rubberstamps Gift Voucher! 

We will draw the winner of the Voucher the 1st Sunday 
of each month from all the comments left on the design team blogs

Remember, you have until 8:00 pm CST Saturday to leave your comments!
Please visit the following blogs, and leave your comment;


9 commenti:

  1. Such a pretty card....the minute I saw it I smiled. Beautiful details to go along with the smartly colored image.

  2. really gorgeous card
    thanks for playing with us at crafty sentiments

  3. me again
    thanks for playing with us at di's digi

  4. Every single detail is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing this beauty with us at Stamp and Create! Good luck,
    Rene :D

  5. Like the colors, embellishments, inking & so much more. Especially like the tulle.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  6. OMGosh this is so stunning, love all the details and the fabulous design.

  7. Wow wow wow. this must have taken a long time to make. all of it is fabulous and so well designed. Pretty and stunning . x

  8. Ciao, Tiziana. Mi chiamo Barbara. Io sono di Waco, Texas, USA. That's my limit in Italian so far, I'm just learning. This work is Bellissimo! Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us at Magnolia-licious. I will be adding your blog to my own blog roll. Your work is benissimo!

    (we spent some time last fall in Tarquinia and are returning next fall, hense I'm trying to learn some Italian.)

  9. This is a fabulous card, so many gorgeous details.
    Thank you for joining us at Di's Digi Designs.
    I have candy on my blog if you would like to take a look - http://craftingwithcotnob.blogspot.co.uk/


Grazie per la visita e il vostro commento...HUGS