Lettori fissi

sabato 25 marzo 2017

Il mio post per Koh-I-Noor Italia

Ciao a tutte!!!
Nuovo post per Koh-I-Noor
per vedere il mio post cliccate qui!!!

Per questo post ho decorato un quaderno, il timbro è
di Saturated canary che ho colorato con i Tombow.
Le carte sono di diverse marche trovate i nomi nelle etichette,
le fustelle sono di Spellbinders, i timbri per le scritte
sono di Joy crafts e di Marianne design. 
Infine per decorare ho scelto di mettere
nastro,mezze perline,charm,roselline e ho fatto le finte cuciture.
Vi saluto augurandovi una bellissimo sabato.
A presto!!!
Hugs Tiziana


9 commenti:

  1. a super book cover, Thank you for joining our challenge at crafty catz and hope to see you again

  2. Gorgeous cover for your notebook! Love this idea! Thank you for playing along at Create and Inspire.
    Maria (DT member) scrapsdamaryv.blogspot.pt

  3. Beautiful card. Thank you for joining us at Creative Craft Cottage challenge.
    Succes have a nice day.
    Anneke DT

  4. Gorgeous coloring! Thanks for joining our challenge at CCC digi creations.

    Natasja DT CCC digi creations

  5. Beautiful altered notebook. Love your coloring and little details. Thanks for playing along with us this fortnight at Star Stampz. AJ DT SS

  6. So pretty! Thank you for joining us at Creative Craft Cottage. Cindy (DT)

  7. very beautiful !
    Thank you for joining us at Creative Craft Cottage!
    Hope to see you again.
    hugs , Fiki


  8. A wonderful booklet!
    Thank you soo much for taking part in our "anything goes with optional gems or pearls” challenge over at Creatalicious & good luck in the draw.
    Hope to see you again in our new challenge as well…

    (DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)

    (DT Crafty Friends)

    (DT The Sketchy Challenges)

    PS: Sorry for the late comment, life had been very busy the past couple of weeks…


Grazie per la visita e il vostro commento...HUGS