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venerdì 22 agosto 2014

DT Wags'n Whiskers Back to school/ For a teacher

Ciao a tutte!!!
Rieccomi con voi oggi per ricordarvi il nuovo challenge di Wags'n Whiskers
Back to shool For a teacher
Partecipate numerose vi aspettiamo!!!
Per il ritorno a scuola ho scelto questo timbro digi di Wags'n con il nome
Thinking of you, che ho colorato con i copic.
La carta è di Simple Stories, ho usato un punch di Marta Stewart e la cameo per
le fustelle.
I timbri scelti a tema scolastico sono di Techique tuesday e di My favorite things.
Ho scelto di mettere pochi abbellimenti , nastro, twine e una charms a forma di cuore.
Mi piace tantissimo il timbro e la carta  che ho scelto e lì trovo perfetti insieme.
Vi auguro una splendente giornata.....a presto!!!
Hugs Tiziana

Bearly mine design team call
Fussy and fancy challenge 121 pets or
Pile it ton 32 Primary colors
Crafter's challenge 77 Square cards only
Ruby's Rainbow 86 Back to school
Artistic Inspirations 105 Anything goes up up
Crafty sentiments Back to school
Stamp and create august anything goes
7 Kids challenge 106 Anything goes


12 commenti:

  1. Bellisssssssima ^_^ brava Titty. Bacione

  2. Wow! I can't get over all the fabulous detail you have incorporated in this fun and whimsical design! Love the use of the primary colors softened by the subtle browns. Very nicely done! Thanks for accepting the challenge this week here at Crafter's Cafe Challenge Blog!
    Chana, DT Coordinator

  3. Che bel timbro e la colorazione...è fantastica!!
    Quanti bei dettagli,
    Hugs Blankina

  4. Fun and fabulous card Tiziana...wonderful image...beautifully coloured!! Thank you for sharing with us at Fussy and Fancy "Pets or Favourite Animal" challenge!!
    Beth F&F DT

  5. Risposte
    1. Wonderful card, so much detail and beautifully crafted, thanks for joining us at The Crafters Cafe this week

  6. Very cool. Thank you for playing in our challenge at www.7kidscollegefund.com.

  7. Grande Titti!! È davvero bella, complimenti come sempre!

  8. What a stunning back to school/for a teacher card you have created. Thank you so much for applying to join the Bearly Mine Design Team. I will be in touch ASAP after the call closes to let you know the outcome. Many thanks, Kym (Bearly Mine Designs Team Leader)

  9. such a lovely card to celebrate back to school, thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments

  10. WoW, what a lovely card you made!
    Thank you for applying to join the Bearly Mine Design Teamm :-))
    Good luck!
    Hugs, Andreja

  11. Love it. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Ruby's Rainbow for our 'Back to school' challenge.

    Hugs Helen P (DT) x


Grazie per la visita e il vostro commento...HUGS